Thursday, December 17, 2009

Preston Michael Natic

Whew it was a LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG day yesterday.

But it was well worth it in the end.
As I stated in the last blog we arrived at Northside Wednesday morning around 7am. They had given Alisha the Pitocin at 6am and expected her to deliver by mid afternoon. Little did they realize that Preston was not giving up the fight that easily.

By 6pm, yes I said that right 6pm she was still only dilated 1cm. The doctor said he was going to go to his office and work on some paper work and would return to check her again around 9pm. A bunch of Alisha's friends came to visit between those 3 hours and did a great job of keeping us busy.

Around 9pm the nurse came to check on Alisha found that she was now dilated 9cm and 80%effaced but Preston had not made his way any further down the birthing canal. The Nurse attempted to put her into different positions in attempt to coax him down. The first was the Frog position and the second we called the Dog Peeing position.

Around 10pm the doctor came in and decided since Preston hadn't moved and that Alisha's Pelvic was too narrow, it was time to prep for a C-Section. We packed up her room and they would move her to another room after birth, and headed out to the waiting room to "wait" it out. With about 40lbs of luggage and 8 plus people we took up a whole section of the waiting are.

We got the news that Preston was born at 11:05pm. He was 6lb 6oz and 20 inches long, mommy and baby did well during surgery and even daddy was able to stomach taking pictures over the sheet as Preston was coming out of mommy stomach.

Around 130am we were able to go back to
Alisha's Post Partum room. Andrea and
I decorated her hospital door and the inside of the room.

We waited another hour and half to two hours before they brought Preston to see us. He was so precious and sooooo tiny. All of my bothers and sisters have been over 8lbs when born so I don't remember ever holding a baby this small. Alisha actually let everyone hold him and then we all said good bye and headed for home and bed.

I probably got to bed around 4am but it was sooooo worth it!

Congrats Alisha and Neil! Preston is PERFECT!

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