Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Maybe we need a doctor on call 24/7

I kinda left a few things off the blog from Lin's tooth pulling ordeal because I was unsure as to how he would react, but now that he is back to normal and we can all laugh about it, I feel it's ok to thrown him under the bus now (Love you honey)

So once we got home from Publix and my failed attempt at Rita's, Lin's mom and I began making myself and Lin something to eat. This lead to a conversation about Lin not eating all day, he just didn't have time he claimed :( . As his mom and I were lecturing him on how food was important and that we didn't need him passing out on us, his head began to nod and down he went. At first we thought he was just joking but we couldn't get him to respond. His mom began shaking him and screaming his name but nothing was working. Trying to get him to respond she grabbed his face and began squeezing and shaking it. "Noooooo" I yelled "He just had 3 teeth pulled Mom!" I splashed a bit of water on his face and he finally came to.

Just as we began explaining to him what had just happened he passed out again. This time his mom reached for the phone calling 911 while I tried to get him awake. His mom tried to explain to the dispatcher what was wrong but couldn't quite get the words to come out right. When the dispatcher asked Lin's age his mother responded "32" (lin is actually 30) Lin's head shot up and he gave his mother this nasty look as he mouthed 30. (of all things to pull him out of passing out). I got him some Orange Juice and he seemed to be fine after that. No EMS needed. (well maybe one should have came for his mother and I) LOL!

Thursday night did not go to well for me. I had been fighting a headache since Wednesday and was having trouble sleeping. Lin called me flounder because I just couldn't keep still that night. I kept thinking I was coming down with a cold so I began taking Thera-flu but nothing seemed to break my headache.

I gave up on sleeping and got up Friday morning to get ready to meet a co-worker at Atlantic Station to see "New Moon". I was so excited I made it back into town earlier than expected but luckily my co-worker did also. We headed to Target then over to Regal at Atlantic Station for the 11am showing of "New Moon".

It was so much better than I had expected and so much better than the first movie "Twilight". I wish I could have enjoyed it more, but my headache just wouldn't give up. (No worries I plan to go see it a few more times before it leaves theaters).

I then headed to work as this was my MOD weekend. Still no matter what I did I could not get my headache to go away. I ordered some food from JR Crickets (HORRIBLE) and decided to call it a night. I must have fallen asleep around 9pm, but it was another restless night.

By Saturday afternoon I had a temperature and decided to call my boss and tell him I needed to go home. I did just that and spent the evening curled up on the couch Rita's in hand (thanks babe, your the BEST). hahaha Alisha

Sunday we headed up to Lin's moms for the afternoon and for him to cook us a great dinner. Thanks Rachel Ray!

Monday morning I called my doctor and headed in for an appointment as I just couldn't get rid of the headache. Blood Pressure was really high and he gave me a blood pressure medication that also works on Migraines. The medication made me a little loopy at first but did nothing for the headache.

It's now Tuesday night, the headache is still here, but not nearly as bad as it was. I head in for a CT Scan Friday afternoon so they can check my Noggin and tell me my brain is missing lol! Wish me luck!

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